conspiracy example sentences

Related (10): plot, intrigue, collusion, scheming, connivance, machination, espionage, maneuvering, subterfuge, treachery

" conspiracy" Example Sentences

1. He believed every conspiracy theory he came across.
2. The conspiracy involved people at the highest levels of government.
3. There is no evidence to support the conspiracy theory.
4. The police uncovered the conspiracy to defraud investors.
5. Their conspiracy to commit robbery was foiled by the police.
6. The assassination spawned several conspiracy theories.
7. The media gave a lot of credence to the conspiracy theories.
8. There was a widespread conspiracy of silence surrounding the issue.
9. They were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud.
10. The alleged conspiracy was never proven in court.
11. The documentary explored the different conspiracy theories around the event.
12. The conspiracy theories spread like wildfire on social media.
13. She wove a complex narrative involving a government conspiracy.
14. The suspected conspiracy involved several prominent politicians.
15. There was a vast international conspiracy to cover up the truth.
16. The conspiracy charge carried a lengthy prison sentence.
17. The conspiracy seemed plausible at first but fell apart under scrutiny.
18. The suspected conspiracy may have involved government employees.
19. There is no evidence of a government conspiracy around 9/11.
20. The alleged conspiracy remained nothing more than speculation.
21. The media fanned the flames of the conspiracy theories.
22. The conspiracy to assassinate the president was foiled by the secret service.
23. The suspected conspiracy included prominent business leaders.
24. The claim of a government conspiracy lacks any substantive proof.
25. The conspiracy theorists spread misinformation and confusion.
26. The police were closing in on the conspiracy to commit robbery.
27. The alleged conspiracy involved people at the highest levels.
28. The widespread rumor fueled conspiracy theories and misinformation.
29. The plotters were charged with conspiracy to commit sedition.
30. The suspected conspiracy was eventually proven false.
31. Fueling conspiracy theories only sows more distrust.
32. The book explores the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination.
33. The conspiracy to defraud investors was a massive financial scam.
34. The grand international conspiracy remains purely fictional.
35. The documentary debunked many of the most prominent conspiracy theories.
36. The authorities are investigating the alleged conspiracy.
37. The massive international conspiracy was hatched in secret.
38. The alleged conspiracy was based on lies and misinformation.
39. There is no evidence to support the supposed government conspiracy.
40. The search for the truth uncovered a much larger conspiracy.
41. The suspected conspiracy developed over many months.
42. The alleged government conspiracy was meant to instill fear.
43. The suspected conspiracy involved high-ranking military officers.
44. The conspiracy theory spread like wildfire online.
45. The conspiracy of silence helped the perpetrators avoid justice.
46. They were plotting a conspiracy to overthrow the government.
47. The characters uncover the vast international conspiracy.
48. The alleged conspiracy never materialized into action.
49. The evidence against the alleged conspiracy was entirely circumstantial.
50. Reason gave way to rumor as the conspiracy theory took hold.
51. The vast government conspiracy remains entirely fictional.
52. The police uncovered the conspiracy to commit fraud.
53. The claims of a vast government conspiracy remain unsubstantiated.
54. The widespread conspiracy of silence helped criminals evade justice.
55. The vast international conspiracy eventually crumbled under scrutiny.
56. The plotters were charged with conspiracy to commit treason.
57. The characters have to unravel the complex web of conspiracy.
58. The details of the conspiracy were too intricate to ever have been real.
59. There is no evidence to substantiate any of these conspiracy theories.
60. The conspiracy theories spread rapidly on social media.

Common Phases

1. Conspiracy theory - an unfounded or speculative explanation for events.
2. Conspiracy of silence - a reluctance to discuss or disclose information about a troubling issue.
3. Conspiracy charge - a legal charge involving an agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act.
4. Tinfoil hat wearer - someone who believes in outlandish conspiracy theories.
5. Conspiracy nut - a derogatory term for someone obsessed with conspiracy theories.
6. Debunk a conspiracy theory - to prove that a conspiracy theory is false or without merit.
7. Conspiracy theorists - people who promote conspiracy theories.
8. Conspiracy monger - a person who promotes or spreads conspiracy theories.
9. Widescale conspiracy - a conspiracy involving many people at different levels.
10. Lack substantive evidence - when a claim or theory has little supporting evidence to prove its veracity.

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